Which care does the purple bell value?

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 7 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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The purple bell regularly needs a little water

Which care does the purple bell value?

Grow and thrive without anyone having to worry about it? As a modern perennial, the purple bell can not refrain from receiving a portion of care. But what is really important?

Early Article Purple Bells - Location depends on the species and species Next article Cut the purple bell - several times recommended

How to fertilize the purple bell?

The purple bell does not need much fertilizer compared to other perennials. Note the following points:

What is remarkable about casting?

Since the purple bell does not tolerate dryness, it should be poured in the absence of rain. It's best to water it regularly, but moderately. The soil should stay moist and not dry out. Once the top layer of soil has dried out, you should pour purple bells in the tub. Make sure that there is no stagnant moisture!

Which diseases can make his life difficult?

Who pours the purple bells too much and often, increases the risk of root rot. This perennial is extremely vulnerable. As soon as the earth smells musty, this is a clear alarm signal for root rot.

Does this plant need a wintering?

The purple bell is very good hardy. Its temperature minimum is -20 ° C. But in pots, it should be put on the house wall from 0 ° C and covered with fleece. Free-range plants should be covered in rough conditions with brushwood as a precaution.

What should one think about when cutting?

After its heyday (ending around August), the purple bells are cut back. Cut the old stems back near the ground!

In addition, a cut should be made in the spring. A pruning before budding ensures a bushy growth. Ideally, the month of February is suitable for this. The shoots are cut down to 10 cm above the ground. You should also take away the dried leaves on the occasion.


Check your purple bell regularly for pest infestation! It is often infested with weevils and in the bucket culture of spider mites.