Win and pull off offshoots of peonies

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Peonies - Transplanting, Dividing, and Planting💮
Video: Peonies - Transplanting, Dividing, and Planting💮


It is very easy to make offshoots of peonies

Win and pull off offshoots of peonies

Seed cultivation does not only take a long time with peonies, but is also quite time-consuming. In addition, plants grown from seeds need several years until they have enough power to flower. Therefore, the propagation of offshoots is recommended ...

Cut cuttings and tighten

The propagation of cuttings can only be implemented with shrub or tree peonies. Perennial peonies do not form woody shoots necessary for this purpose. You can tackle the propagation of cuttings in late summer.

First, choose a healthy peony that you like and that is worth multiplying. Cut off a semi-mature and woody shoot from it. The shoot should be straight and between 10 and 15 cm long. If a withered flower is still attached to it, remove it!

This is how it continues after the cut:

Use foothills for propagating

The peony Delavayis often forms foothills. They, too, can be helpful for the multiplication. They grow independently directly on the plant and form roots. You can dig out these foothills in autumn or spring and plant them separately.

Absenkervermehrung in shrub peonies

Shrub peonies, which already have long shoots, can easily be multiplied by this. Take such a long shoot and carefully bend it down to the ground!

About 15 cm from the shoot tip you scratch the shoot with a knife. This area should later be below the surface of the earth. At the bottom of a small planting pit is now dug. In it you place the sinker and complain it in addition to the earth with a stone.

The spot must be kept moist. Then the sinker can form roots. Only when the roots have formed should it be separated from the mother plant. He comes to a separate location in a sunny location.


The replication is usually not possible with perennial peonies. They should rather be duplicated by division.