Detect and sell pests of peppermint

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 23 April 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
How to Get Rid of Mint Plant Pests
Video: How to Get Rid of Mint Plant Pests


Detect and sell pests of peppermint

Peppermint plants are quite robust. Even a larger pest infestation they cope well. However, you certainly want to enjoy your tea or salad without meat. That's why you should regularly check your peppermint for pests.

The most common pests

Mint leaf beetle

The beetles are not so easy to spot, because they are almost as green as the peppermint leaves. They cause damage by eating holes in the leaves. Very bad is a mint leaf beetle infestation not, because so much damage does not make the pretty beetle - if it is not too many.

Since you certainly do not want to find the beetles in tea, simply collect them by hand. Clean the crop thoroughly before processing. If the infestation is very strong, cut off all affected shoots.


As with almost all plants, aphids also occur frequently in peppermint.

In mild infestation, remove the lice by hand or rinse them with a sharp stream of water from the leaves. Stubborn infestations are helped by stinging nettle, tobacco or soap suds.

Black Point cicadas

You can recognize an infestation by the fact that the leaves are thin and appear to wither, because the cicadas suck out the leaf juice.

Absammeln usually helps little. Cut off affected shoots. In autumn you should remove the whole plant and plant new peppermint to another place.

Green Tortoise

He lays his eggs in the leaves of peppermint. Larvae and beetles eat large holes in the leaves. The beetles are best collected in the morning. Then they are still clammy and not so mobile.

flea beetles

The beetles are mostly on the ground under the plants. The infestation is determined because the peppermint leaves have small holes. Chop up the soil regularly. That sells the bugs.

Tips & Tricks

If you can not control the pest infestation, consider breaking out the peppermint and growing new plants. This is definitely more useful than using chemical pesticides.
