The blossom of the passion fruit

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 28 January 2021
Update Date: 3 July 2024
Passion Fruit in pot - from Flower to Fruit
Video: Passion Fruit in pot - from Flower to Fruit


The blossom of the passion fruit

The cultivation of passion fruit in your garden or conservatory is not only worthwhile because of the delicious fruits. Also the particularly splendid flowering of the passion fruit is worth the effort of the cultivation.

Early article Plant passion fruit yourself and harvest Next article How to recognize when a passion fruit is ripe

Variety of flowers

Most of the over 530 known species of passionflower have their origins in South America, but other areas of origin are also in:

While North American varieties have a certain frost resistance, other types of passion fruit and especially the passion fruit in this country can only be cultivated as a container plant. The cultivation of different varieties is worth due to the variants of large, round flowers.

The eponymous symbolism of the passion flower

The passion flower received its German-speaking name from missionaries, who have recognized in their flowers numerous symbols of the Passion of Christ. Thus, according to these Jesuits, the five crowns and sepals each symbolize the ten apostles who were anweening in the crucifixion and the halo of the crown the crown of thorns of Jesus. While the three styluses are intended to depict the crucifixion nails, the five anthers are associated with the scarves of Christ.

Tips & Tricks

The most well-known of these is the Blue Passionflower of the genus Passiflora caerulea, but the imported passion fruits are mostly from plants of the Passiflora edulis.