Passion flower does not bloom? How to make the beautiful plant bloom

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 8 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Things that NO ONE WILL TELL YOU About This Flowering Vine (Passion Flower /Passiflora)
Video: Things that NO ONE WILL TELL YOU About This Flowering Vine (Passion Flower /Passiflora)


Passion flower does not bloom? How to make the beautiful plant bloom

No question: Passion flowers are cultivated mainly for their enchanting flowers. So that these appear numerous and in their full splendor, the plant needs a suitable location in addition to the proper care.

Passiflora flowers only in the second year

First of all, quite young passion flowers usually do not bloom, unless you have acquired the annual Passiflora gracilis. If you have just purchased a new Passiflora and are wondering about the lack of flowers: Patience! The best thing is, you first treat your plant to a new pot, after all, the plant pot will probably be too small. Make sure, however, that the new plant pot is no larger than 20 to 30 centimeters in diameter, otherwise your passion flower will put more energy into growth and less flowers. Even seedlings or cuttings will flower the earliest in the following year, with vegetatively propagated passion flowers are usually faster in this regard.

Rest phase stimulates flowering

For a lush flowering, the Passiflora needs at least two to three months of rest to spend in a bright but cool place. Sprinkle with water, but do not let the roots dry out. It is not fertilized at this time. This rest period simulates the months of dry spells that most Passiflora species endure in their homeland. Bear in mind that many representatives of this very species-rich plant family come from tropical or subtropical climes and are therefore not hardy.

For vigorous flowering pruning is necessary

The flowers also develop only on young, d. H. this year, shoots of Passiflora. For this reason you must shorten the long side shoots and possibly the leaders - leave only three to five eyes, from which new, flower-forming branches will develop.The pruning is best done in the autumn, before you transfer the plant to their winter quarters.

Fertilize passion flowers regularly

Other reasons for the lack of flowers can also be water and / or nutrient deficiencies. Passion flowers are one of the heavyweights, they need especially in the flowering period from June to September a lot of water and a regular fertilization. During the growing season you should provide the Passiflora once a week with a liquid universal or flowering plant fertilizer.

Tips & Tricks

Make sure, however, that the fertilizer is not too nitrogen-rich, because nitrogen makes the plant again lazy. It will put the fresh energy into growth.