If the bird of paradise flower does not bloom - reasons & measures

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 2 April 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
If the bird of paradise flower does not bloom - reasons & measures - Garden
If the bird of paradise flower does not bloom - reasons & measures - Garden


The brightly colored flowers of the bird of paradise flower are a highlight

If the bird of paradise flower does not bloom - reasons & measures

The bird of paradise flower is also known under the name Strelitzia reginae and parrot flower. Your flowers have already conquered so many plant lovers heart. But what is behind it if the flowers do not appear? What can you do?

Main reasons for missing flowers

Many reasons, including three main reasons, can lead to the absence of flowering in the Strelitzia reginae. The main reasons are:

Other causes

Furthermore, behind a missing flower stuck too dark location. Even too warm wintering can be to blame. If none of these points applies, dryness and nutrient deficiency could still be mentioned.

Finally, it may be that you have used your plant from seeds that you brought back from vacation, for example? It may take up to 10 years for a bird of paradise flower to flower for the first time ...

In the summer sun-hungry and in need of care

In summer, the parrot flower needs plenty of sunlight and ideally a sheltered location in the open air, for example, on the balcony. The warmth and brightness are important for it to grow properly.

In addition to a sunny and warm location, care is crucial for achieving flowering in spring or summer.This includes that this plant is fertilized every two weeks from March to August. It is necessary to water abundantly and best with lime-free water.

Every 3 years the plant should be repotted. If the pot is too deeply rooted, it suffers from nutrient and lack of space. As a result, the bloom remains off. If you have fertilized too much, you will recognize that the plant is lazy but develops many leaves.

Hibernate properly

In addition to a bright and warm location, wintering is crucial. The bird of paradise flower wants to take a rest in winter. Therefore, note the following:


If you hibernate the bird of paradise flower at temperatures of 14 ° C and place it in a very bright location in January, you can enjoy its flowers in February.