Freezing peppers - succeeds safely and hardly makes work

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
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Paprika can be frozen without blanching

Freezing peppers - succeeds safely and hardly makes work

Whether bought too much or richly harvested, no one needs to worry about the consumption of peppers. The pods do not have to be eaten quickly when a freezer is in the household. Offer her a seat in it, you will not regret it.

Always fresh or sometimes frozen?

Paprika does not always have to be fresh on the plate. Of course, it tastes best then, but sometimes choosing a freezer is a better choice if you do not like to eat peppers day after day or do not have time to prepare them.


Since the freezing of peppers is quick by the hand, can be used even with small amounts required for pepper packages. The kilo price is regularly below that for loose goods.

Blanching? No thanks

Again and again you read that vegetables must be blanched before freezing to retain its vitamins and color. This is a not inconsiderable job that scares off many people. Due to lack of time, they completely give up freezing. With paprika this can be given all-clear. He is allowed to walk in the freezer without first taking a hot bath.

The short preparation

It can not be done without work, but it is limited. The individual steps are:

    Wash the peppers thoroughly, especially around the stalk. Cut out the stalk with a sharp knife and then remove the cores. Mince the pods into smaller pieces, as it makes sense for later use.

Peel peppers

Paprika does not need to be skinned before freezing, but it is quite possible, for example, for making antipasti. For this, the pods are roasted in the oven and freed from the skin after cooling. This can then be easily peeled off by hand. It is more practical if you first roast whole or half pods and cut them into desired size pieces only after skinning.

Freeze paprika

The prepared pieces of pepper must only be filled into suitable freezer containers and frozen. Larger pieces of paprika, which are never needed at a later time, should already be divided into smaller portions at this time and packaged separately.

Freeze stuffed peppers

Stuffed peppers are a popular dish that also manages with frozen pods. The preparation time after thawing can be shortened if the cleaned, stalked and pitted peppers are already filled before freezing according to recipe and then frozen. After that, they only have to be cooked when needed.


Frozen peppers may be stored in the freezer for at least six months. If they are frozen freshly harvested, they can stay in it even longer.


After thawing, paprika is not as crispy as we are used to from fresh pods. As a healthy snack, the pieces are no longer tempting, but still ideal for preparing food. In it, the small pieces are given in a frozen state, where they thaw within a short time and continue to cook.

Conclusion for fast readers: