Share pampas grass for reproduction or rejuvenation

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 16 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Get It Growing: Pampas grass is easy to grow, make great decorations
Video: Get It Growing: Pampas grass is easy to grow, make great decorations


Pampas grass is easy to share

Share pampas grass for reproduction or rejuvenation

The root system of pampas grass, called Horst, becomes very large and expansive over the years. Often the plant starts to lose its center in the middle. By sharing the root, the pampas grass can be bridged and rejuvenated. At the same time you can multiply new perennials for the garden.

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Multiply pampas grass by splitting

Pampas grass can also be propagated by sowing, but this method is not ideal. For one thing, you do not know what properties the new plants will have, especially if you have collected the seeds yourself. On the other hand, the breeding of seeds is tedious and time-consuming.

It is easier to excavate pampas grass in whole or in part in the spring, to stub root pieces and to reuse them at the desired location.

Rejuvenate large perennials by sharing

The older the pampas grass gets, the bigger the eyrie will be. To prevent the ornamental grass from spreading too much, you should reduce the size of the eyrie by dividing it from time to time.

With old perennials the renewal in the middle becomes weaker and weaker. Such plants rejuvenate by digging them out and cutting out the middle with a spade, hatchet or saw.

The remaining root pieces are divided and re-planted in containers, as a screen or single plant.

The best time to share pampas grass

Most experts recommend picking pampas grass out of the ground in spring and sharing it. Then the perennial has enough time to prepare for the cold season.

You can still share the ornamental grass in autumn. But then you have to ensure a good winter protection, so that the perennial does not freeze over at minus temperatures.

How to divide a pampas grass

If the Pampasgras be propagated by sharing, divide it into at least man-sized individual pieces. At least two eyes must remain on each section so that the ornamental grass can drive out again.


If you want to permanently remove the pampas grass from the garden, divide the root ball into individual pieces. The ornamental grass is easier to get out of the ground.