Increase orchids with offshoots - All methods at a glance

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 3 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Potting 3 Terrestrial Orchids - Jewel Orchid, Calanthe & Spathoglottis!
Video: Potting 3 Terrestrial Orchids - Jewel Orchid, Calanthe & Spathoglottis!


Kindel can be easily separated from the mother plant

Increase orchids with offshoots - All methods at a glance

In order to attract young orchids on their own, there are a variety of methods available that can be realized on the local windowsill. The vegetative propagation with offshoots scores with young plants that have exactly the magnificent attributes of their mother plant. This overview will give you a hands-on overview of how to succeed with your kindling, cuttings and sinkers.

Earlier propagate orchids masterfully - Instructions for cuttings and seedlings Next article Orchid Fertilizer in Focus - Tips on Dosage and Application

This is how Kindel comes out big as a young orchid

Kindel are called offshoots of an orchid, which develop in close proximity to the trunk or to the bulbs. These seedlings have all the characteristics of their mother plant. In order to attract these tiny plants to magnificent orchids, patience is required first, because you must not separate the offspring too early. How to do it right:

Since plantlets of an orchid have particularly sensitive roots, please use a mix of moist sphagnum and peat for planting in the first phase. If you do not use peat due to ecological concerns, Kindel will put it in a mixture of moss and coconut fiber, moistened with lime-free water.

Separate cuttings properly and plant - That's how it works

The use of unrooted cuttings for the propagation of orchids is rarely practiced. An exception is the climbing vanilla orchid, which is primarily replicated via this path. Monopodial orchids, such as the Vanda orchid, produce cuttings rooted in their main axis that, like Kindel, are viable beyond a certain size. Separating and planting this offshoot is not difficult.

Unrooted cuttings are defoliated two-thirds and placed in the potting soil. When planting rooted cuttings, please ensure that they do not get deeper into the substrate than the first pair of leaves. Instead of pouring, immerse the pots in filtered, lukewarm rainwater and let the moisture drain well, so that no waterlogging forms.

Maintain seedlings and cuttings properly - you should pay attention to this

Although seedlings and cuttings are obtained in different ways, they pull together in terms of care. Required are bright lighting conditions, warm temperatures and high humidity. Growth and rooting are progressing rapidly:

The creation of a tropical-humid rainforest climate in the immediate vicinity of the offshoots contributes significantly to the development of further roots and new leaves. Until then, please do not give fertilizer. Only after a fresh sprouting, the cover can be removed and started with the administration of highly diluted orchid fertilizer. Kindel and cuttings usually take 2 to 3 years until the first flowering.

Propagation in the uncomplicated way - How to succeed with lowering

If an orchid species tends to climb and tend, such as the terrestrial vanilla, it opens the gardener the possibility of propagation with lowering. These are non-flowering, flexible shoots or tendrils that you animate to form a standalone root system using the following technique:

While the orchid continues to supply the sinker with nutrients, the buried drive piece sprouts a new root system. The process is forced if you scrape the bark very lightly with a razor blade. If a fresh leaflet appears on the fixed shoot tip, the rooting proceeds as desired. Once the potting pot is completely rooted through, you can cut off the pastern and maintain it like an adult orchid.


Seedlings always turn into a younger issue of their mother plant - with one exception. When a Blue Orchid Kindel comes into being, it only produces blue flowers when it is a Vanda coerulea. Blue Phalaenopsis owe their color to a horticultural trick that has only a flowering time long. Their seedlings put on a white flower dress at the end.