Does my orchid have sunburn? - Tips for symptoms and sunscreen

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 4 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Phalaenopsis with severe sunburn - what to do?
Video: Phalaenopsis with severe sunburn - what to do?


Too much sun tolerates the orchid bad

Does my orchid have sunburn? - Tips for symptoms and sunscreen

In the native rainforests, the orchid always seeks a place under the protective canopy of primeval forest giants, so as not to be exposed to the blazing sunlight. In fact, the exotic flower diva may suffer from a sunburn that significantly affects leaves and aerial roots. Based on which symptoms you recognize the dilemma and tips for proper sun protection, read here.

These symptoms indicate sunburn

If spots, stripes and pustules appear on the rich green leaves of an orchid, we immediately suspect an illness or infestation by pests. It is less well-known that the sun can be responsible for damage to the foliage in the unsuitable location. In fact, the symptoms of sunburn are clearly identified:

If it is an infection with fungi or bacteria, it is always associated with a progressive course. Typical of sunburn is that the affected region of the foliage has no further changes.

Do not cut leaves with sunburn

Sunburn undoubtedly significantly affects the appearance of an orchid. Nevertheless, do not cut off the sheet. The green areas of the foliage continue to provide vital photosynthesis. Only when an orchid leaf with burn marks has completely contracted and died does it pluck or cut it out.

How to protect orchids properly from sunburn

The perfect choice of the location takes place under consideration of various criteria. While the demands of the orchid species differ in terms of temperature and humidity, the flower beauties are in agreement with the sun: they do not want to be confronted with direct sunlight. To prevent sunburn:

In order not to obstruct the view of the decorative orchids behind the window pane, awnings mounted on the wall of the house keep out the bright sunshine. These can be retracted and retracted as needed.

Gradually acclimatize on the balcony

Some of the most beautiful orchid species attract everyone's attention on the balcony in summer. So that the leaves do not suffer from sunburn after moving out of the house, we recommend a period of acclimatization.


Do the symptoms of sunburn affect your orchid without the flower being exposed to direct sunlight? Then check if the leaves touch a windowpane. On hot summer days, the glass can heat up so much that the orchid leaves burn on the windowsill.