The refining site does not belong in the soil when planting the fruit tree

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 19 September 2021
Update Date: 19 June 2024
Oliver Tree - Cowboys Don’t Cry [Music Video]
Video: Oliver Tree - Cowboys Don’t Cry [Music Video]


The refining point can be in three different places

The refining site does not belong in the soil when planting the fruit tree

Fruit trees are usually refined to transfer desired properties of the base such as vigor, robustness, etc. on the noble variety. However, so that the pad can not drive out, the finishing station is under no circumstances in the ground.

Locate the finishing point

Nurseries usually refine fruit trees in three possible places:

The refining point can be recognized by the typical thickening or the "kink" in the otherwise even trunk. It is more noticeable the younger the tree is. On old fruit trees, however, these places are often no longer visible. For the determination of the correct planting depth the thickening of the root neck is especially relevant.

Refining determines vigor of the fruit tree

Fruit trees are grafted on low-growing, medium-strong or high-growing substrates, depending on which end size the tree is supposed to reach. If you plant a weakly-grown fruit tree too deep, it can unexpectedly forcefully drive out and train numerous wild rice. The cause is the unwanted sprouting of the underlay or the precious rice, which costs the plant strength and also impairs the noble variety in its growth.

Observe the correct planting depth

To make sure that does not happen, the correct planting depth must be carefully considered. Thus, the finishing station just above the root neck neither in the ground - and not just above it. Instead, it should be at least ten centimeters above the earth's surface and thus not receive any ground contact. A good guideline is the depth in which the tree stood in the pot or container - as far as potted and not root-cracked goods are concerned. Remember this well, because you should also plant the fruit tree just as deeply.

What to do if the refining station expels?

If you plant the fruit tree too deep, you can drive out the substrate with all negative consequences. With the formation of their own roots is a rejection of the noble variety - sometimes only after a few years. In order to prevent this, any root shoots should be removed as soon as possible, but superficial cutting off is not sufficient. Instead, you have to separate these shoots right at their source. You should also remove the soil in which the refining site is located and cut off the resulting roots.


If you have voles in the garden, you can plant the rootstock of the fruit tree inside a basket of rabbit wire. Then the rodents have no chance to erode the roots.