Fungal attack on fruit trees - common pathogens and what you can do about it

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 19 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Kirkhouse Trust - Isolation of a fungal pathogen and producing inoculum
Video: Kirkhouse Trust - Isolation of a fungal pathogen and producing inoculum


The monilia rot spoils the fruits

Fungal attack on fruit trees - common pathogens and what you can do about it

Fungi love the moisture, which is why a wet summer causes a particularly large number of fungal diseases. Most of the time you can hardly see anything from the causers, only the symptoms of leaves and fruits are visible. However, there are also wood-destroying tree fungi with striking fruiting bodies.

What you can do against fungal diseases on the fruit tree

There are no effective fungicides approved for the hobby garden against many fungal diseases. Therefore, the pathogens must be kept in check by means of targeted prevention and careful care. These include, for example, these measures:

Particularly important for the prevention of such a disease is adherence to the correct planting distance. Incidentally, fruit trees in partially shaded or shady locations are more sensitive to the pathogens, which is also why the trees belong to an airy, sunny spot.

The most common mushrooms on fruit trees

Fungal fungi on the fruit often infest only related species or, for example, only pome or berry fruit. Generalists such as the Monilia fruit rot are few.

Powdery mildew

Probably every gardener knows the white, wipeable leaf coverings of the powdery mildew, which occur on fruit and ornamental trees as well as vegetables, flowers and perennials. However, these are different harmful fungi which cause a rather similar damage pattern. Powdery mildew fungi differ in a significant way from other harmful fungi: they do not need damp leaves to germinate their spores, but appear especially in warm, sunny summers.

sooty mold

These fungi feed on the sugary honeydew excreted by plant-sucking insects such as aphids and whiteflies. They settle on the glued plant parts and form the typical black coverings. Sooty mildew does not directly damage the plant, but its dark coating can greatly affect the photosynthesis of the leaves.

Verticillium wilt

Verticillium mushrooms penetrate into the plants from the soil via injuries at the roots or at the Wurzelhals and clog the conductor tracks. Typical are often abrupt appearing wilting on individual shoots or branches, the leaves hanging pale green and limp. In the further course the whole plant can die off.


The pathogen can infest a number of deciduous shrubs, but especially plums, cherries, apricots and all core and Nussobstarten. The red pustule disease affects mainly dead parts of living fruit trees, for example, by frost frozen back branches. From here he attacks healthy parts, provided he finds wounds and stumps to penetrate.

Monilia fruit rot

The Monilia fruit rot is mainly caused by the fungus Monilia fructigena and affects almost all tree fruits. The pathogen overwinters on dried fruit mummies on the tree, fallen fallen fruit and infested branches. That's why it's so important to remove these parts regularly.


Tree fungi or tree sponges are also dangerous to the fruit tree: common artefacts such as hailmeat, tinder sponge, fire sponge and sulfur fungus penetrate wounds into branches and trunks and gradually decompose the wood inside.