Adderhead Care: What is really necessary?

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 7 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
A bullet with my name on it - BBC
Video: A bullet with my name on it - BBC


The Adderhead does not need to be fertilized

Adderhead Care: What is really necessary?

The sowing was easy. Now all that matters is that the Adderhead grows and thrives and soon produces flowers. With the right care, the chances are good!

Does the Adderhead need fertilizer?

The Adderhead fundamentally prefers a rather nutrient-poor soil:

How often should you water this perennial?

Only if your adder head grows in the tub, you should provide it with water regularly. This may like to be simple tap water. This plant tolerates lime excellent. If the soil is well dried up at the top, you can water.

However, if the Adderhead is in the field, it does not need to be cast. With dryness and also with heat he can handle well. He owes that to his in-depth taproot. Therefore, you are spared the constant casting here.

Even if you mean it well: Echium vulgare does not tolerate damp soil. In the worst case, this can lead to the fouling of his roots. Therefore only water in the beginning, so that the plant can root!

How do you cut the adder's head?

Again, there is no effort: The adder head is cut back to the ground in the second year after flowering. He then enters. Completely removing the plant from the ground is difficult due to the deep tap root. Note: If you want to prevent the Adder's Head from self-feeding, you should cut off the inflorescence as soon as they wither.

Under what circumstances is hibernation useful?

The Common Adderhead tolerates frost without any problems. Species that come from warmer climes, however, should be pulled only as potted plants and set in winter. You need a bright wintering place.


If you are one of those sensitive people who react quickly to skin irritation, you should wear gloves when dealing with the adder head. Touching the leaves can irritate the skin.