Moss - Wanted poster of a misjudged land plant

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
Tardigrades: Chubby, Misunderstood, & Not Immortal
Video: Tardigrades: Chubby, Misunderstood, & Not Immortal


There are over 15,000 different types of moss

Moss - Wanted poster of a misjudged land plant

In many gardens moss is regarded as a weed and fought rigorously. Reducing the tiny, green land plant to this status is far from fulfilling its significance. This profile with further explanations wants to show which attributes characterize moss.

Systematics and appearance in focus

For almost 400 million years, Moos has managed to assert itself in nature against all the vicissitudes of plant life. Only a few plants can look back on such a long evolution. The following profile makes an attempt to summarize the outstanding attributes of moss species:

Fascinating properties

Systematics and appearance hardly give any idea of ​​the capabilities moss has developed in the course of its evolution. These potentials rest in the inconspicuous plant:

Furthermore, moss is an indispensable component in the ecosystem. The plant offers microorganisms and beneficials a safe retreat. Birds here find nesting material and insects nutritious food. As a pioneer plant, moss settles in the most inhospitable places and diligently practices photosynthesis in the shade.


You believe in deserts, the survival artist Moos loses the short straw? In the scientific journal 'Nature Plant' researchers reported in 2019 of the moss species Syntrichia caninervis. This has developed an ingenious strategy to exist in a dusty desert. At the ends of their leaves are delicate hair, with which the moss itself can remove microfine water droplets from the air.