Plant winter hardy Montbretien properly

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 3 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Some Plants That Need Winter Preparation
Video: Some Plants That Need Winter Preparation


To protect the Montbretien from frost, they should be planted as deeply as possible

Plant winter hardy Montbretien properly

Montbretien thrive in their natural habitat in the grasslands and on the sunny mountain slopes of South Africa. This requires that the cultivars are only limited hardy. Already during the planting, you can do a lot to ensure that Montbretien survive the winter well in our latitudes and do not have to be dug up and have to be re-set every year.

The Montbretie - not completely hardy

The Montbretie survives single-digit minus degrees, as long as it receives sufficient winter protection, as a rule unscathed. Over the years, the small tubers retreat into the deeper layers of soil by themselves, where the frost no longer reaches the stolons.

The optimal planting depth

To improve the hardiness of the winter, it is advisable to plant at least ten and twenty centimeters deep. As a result, the Montbretien drive out a little later, but are not reached by strong frosts.

The site

Always plant hardy Montbretien in a sheltered, full sun and warm location. Ideal is a bed located in front of a house wall. The wall stores the heat of the day and emits it during the night. This climate appeals to the Montbretien very much and they bloom very rich under these conditions. Even in winter, the climate is milder near the house and the ground does not usually freeze as deep as in other garden locations.

The ideal soil conditions

Montbretien prefer well-drained and nutrient-rich soils. Even the hardy varieties are very susceptible to root rot. So loosen up the substrate with sand and put a thin drainage layer of sand or gravel into the planting hole.

Winter hardy Montbretien transplant and multiply

If winter hardy Montbretien are in an unsuitable location, they will bloom only sparsely and it is advisable to move them somewhere else. Unfortunately, the Montbretien do not bloom in the year of planting, but reward the change of location in the following garden year with a richer flowering.

Winter hardy Montbretien form numerous daughter tubers, with which you can easily multiply the plants. The ideal time for this measure is the early spring, when the heat-loving flowering plant has not yet fully awakened from hibernation.

When do winterhardy Montbretien bloom?

The flowering period of winter hardy cultivated species, like those of the limited winter species, falls between June and October.


Montbretien tubers are special delicacies for voles. To keep the ravenous rodents, you can put the stolons in special plant baskets.