Protect carrots from pests in your own garden

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 13 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Organic Ways to Control Pests in the Garden
Video: 10 Organic Ways to Control Pests in the Garden


Carrots are particularly vulnerable to pest infestation when many are grown in a small space

Protect carrots from pests in your own garden

Carrots are one of the most popular vegetables for growing in their own garden. However, you must be checked regularly during the season, in order to detect infestation with pests or diseases in good time.

Previous article Freshly harvest delicious carrots from your own vegetable patch

Threat of many kinds

As with all plants, the emergence of diseases and pests is also particularly beneficial for carrots when large quantities of carrots are grown on a small area. Then there is a risk of optimal propagation conditions for infestation of any kind. The most important pests in carrot cultivation in this country are:

The carrot fly and its effects

The carrot fly is attracted by the smell of the carrot roots, which is why carrots should only be singled out and thinned when there is no wind. Also in the Möhrenbeet should be dispensed with fertilizer with fresh manure, as this would favor the development of fly larvae. The carrot fly lays its eggs around the root neck of the carrots. When the fly larvae hatch after about a week, they feed their feed through the carrots.

Fight the carrot fly and other pests

Even if you want to do without chemical antidotes in your own garden, you can take action against an attack on carrot flies and other pests. Carrots should only be grown in the same place every three years. In addition, various intermediate plants can act as a deterrent to various pests.

Recognize the infestation in time

The most important thing in the control of pests in the vegetable patch is a timely detection of infestation. You can easily control this yourself with a piece of white paper. Hold this flat beside the green shoots of the Moors and tap them gently. If insect pests fall down on the paper, they can be seen more easily than on the ground. Be sure to inspect your plants at various points in the bed, as an infestation usually occurs nest-like concentrated at one point.

Protect against pests with biological weapons

Infestation with pest insects can be relatively easily prevented if, when sowing the carrots, attention is paid to an intermediate planting with certain types of vegetables. Some vegetables with their smell have a defensive effect on the carrot fly and other feeding pests, these are for example:

Tips & Tricks

If you notice an infestation with pests, you should not dispose of the removed carrots directly next to your bed. Compost the removed carrots far away in the garden, or bury them at least 50 centimeters deep.