With cherry tree bonsai conjure up the Far Eastern atmosphere

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 5 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Orientalism After Edward Said, part 2
Video: Orientalism After Edward Said, part 2


With cherry tree bonsai conjure up the Far Eastern atmosphere

A cherry bonsai brings a touch of Far Eastern exoticism into the garden. Targeted, it attracts everyone's attention, especially at its heyday. Japanese flowering cherries (Prunus serrulata) are used for their spectacular flowering in bonsai breeding.

Bonsai Art

Bonsai is understood as the ancient Japanese art of raising dwarf shapes from seeds or tree cuttings. The bonsai are restricted in growth by narrowing the roots, pinching the sprouts, growing in small pots with hard soil, low fertilization, so they stay small (15-80 cm high). The bonsai can live for several hundred years.

Japanese cherry blossom

As a basis for the cherry tree bonsai cultivars is the Japanese cherry - a rich flowering wood with white to deep pink, often filled flowers. This cherry variety is not prized for its fruits, it is an ornamental plant that in the spring is covered with a wealth of flowers and at that time an ornament for any garden.

Care of the cherry tree bonsai

The cultivation of a cherry bonsai is made from seeds or a young plant in the bright to sunny place. The substrate is a mixture of garden soil, coarse-grained sand and peat. Important is a good drainage, because the ornamental cherry does not tolerate waterlogging. However, the soil must not dry out, but should always be kept evenly moist.

With a young cherry tree bonsai you pay less attention to the flower buds when cutting, but to the structure of the crown. To get a richly branched bonsai tree, after the flower is cut back on two to five eyes or into the old wood. In a bonsai that has already been cut into shape, the long shoots are only shortened when new flower buds have formed.

The addition of special bonsai fertilizer from leaf sprouting in March through the end of August is recommended. The cherry tree bonsai are prone to the same diseases and pests as their adult counterparts. Protective measures, even against frost damage, are required.

Tips & Tricks

Good gift idea at an affordable price: a bonsai young plant, a bonsai beginner planting set and maybe even a book about bonsai breeding. On the Internet you will find nurseries that specialize in bonsai plant sales.