The roots of the sequoia - supernatural dimensions under the earth

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 15 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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The roots of the sequoia are gigantic as well

The roots of the sequoia - supernatural dimensions under the earth

The giant sequoia can reach a size of fabulous 80 meters. This stature height suggests that the plant also penetrates far below the surface of the earth. Surprisingly, however, the roots, contrary to the assumption, have a relatively flat growth. Nevertheless, they take up space.

Growth of the roots of the sequoia

The sequoia is a heart-rooting. The name stems from the nature of the growth of the sequoia roots. In cross section, a heart shape would be recognizable. In this type of root system, the roots form in all directions. They are different strong. The thick roots do not necessarily grow in the soil, but can also spread horizontally close to the earth's surface.

Propagation of the roots of the sequoia

This is exactly the case with the genus Sequoia. Its roots reach a maximum of one meter into the earth. The larger the extent of its extent in width. The subterranean root system can be as much as 30 meters, which corresponds to approximately 0.3 hectares. The substructure extends accordingly far beyond the dimensions of the crown.

Different root types

With regard to the growth and the strength of the roots of a redwood tree, a distinction is made between:


Only in rare cases, such as in a few specimens in Central Europe, the sequoia makes taproots that reach up to 1.80 meters in depth. This root species, which develops from the radicle, ie the main root, typically has a vertical growth. From the taproot more side roots emerge.

Symbiosis with mushrooms

Experience has shown that the coastal sequoia tree is a symbiosis of various types of fungi. This is called mycorrhiza symbioses. These mushrooms bind to the fine roots and are completely harmless. After all, a symbiosis always benefits both living beings.

Flat roots - curse or blessing?

That your Sequoia suffers due to the shallow roots under an insufficient supply of nutrients, you should not worry. A double fertilizer feed per year already covers the need. A real problem, on the other hand, is storms. It is not uncommon to find uprooted tribes in the American national parks. At this sight, it first becomes clear what proportions the sequoia tree assumes underground.