Flower-rich companion in the creative shade garden - the lark spur

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 15 June 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
Rebecca on English Roses Spring 2020
Video: Rebecca on English Roses Spring 2020


The Larkspur is used as a native plant frost and snow

Flower-rich companion in the creative shade garden - the lark spur

In the natural garden, the wild larkspur is at hand, when half-shady to shady layers are decorative to green. At the edge of the wood or in light-poor niches on the balcony, the multifaceted Corydalis genus delights us with pretty flowers over filigree ornamental leaves. How uncomplicated cultivation is by the hand, the following answers to common questions explain precisely and practically.

Plant the larch spur properly

In September and October is planting time for larkspore. This applies to tubers and container plants alike. At the half-shady location in the humus rich, humid and nutrient-rich soil, place small pits 20-30 cm apart. For finished young plants, the hole should be about twice as large as the root ball. Plant corydalis tubers, place them 5-8 cm deep in the ground. They improve the starting conditions for these perennials when the soil is enriched with compost and horn shavings. At the end please water and mulch with leaves, bark mulch or grass clippings.
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care Tips

A sufficient supply of water is the mainstay of proper care of lark spurs. Water the wild shrub regularly, as drought stress significantly impairs growth and flowering. In contrast, the native plant can do without fertilizer at its optimal location. A start fertilization with compost is still welcome. Cut out withered flower stalks regularly, keeping the color splendor even longer. The foliage is cut off only when fully absorbed. Until then, the tuber absorbs the remaining nutrients to create a depot.For winter protection, leave the fall foliage simply and spread some pine fronds over it.
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Which location is suitable?

The majority of larkspur species and varieties prefer a partially shaded location. Different varieties are not afraid even of shady locations, such as fern-larkspur (Corydalis cheilanthifolia) or the middle larch spur (Corydalis intermedia), which lives in the ravine forests of the Balkans. Other varieties flourish with sufficient soil moisture just as splendidly in the sunny place. Therefore, when purchasing tubers and young plants, ask carefully to purchase the ideal perennial for the intended location.
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Which soil does the plant need?

The varied lark spurs agree that they prefer a fresh, moist, nutrient-rich and well-drained soil. In terms of the Bodensäurewert go the desires of course apart. As a companion for rhododendrons in acid soil Corydalis are ready, such as the cashmere-larkspur (Corydalis cashmeriana). Most of the natural shrubs would like to live in neutral to slightly alkaline soil.
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When is flowering time?

Corydalis beauties offer us the variety of species and varieties that ensure the perfect change of scene in the flower bed thanks to different flowering times. The flowering times of the most important larch spur species for bed and balcony have been compiled here for you:

Take a close look at the pretty flowers. These have two mirror-symmetrical halves along a single axis of symmetry. The tubular, up to 25 millimeters long single flowers sit close to each other on an unbranched flower stem in beautiful red, blue and yellow tones.
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Correct larkspur

Cut off the dipped stems regularly, this measure prolongs the flowering period. In addition, they prevent excessive self-sowing in this way. Leave only a few flower stems at the end of the flowering period, as experience has shown that the mother plants are rather short-lived. A ground-pruning cut should be made only when the leaves are completely yellowed.
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Pour larkspore

Water is the lifeblood for the larkspore. Therefore, water the wild shrubs abundantly and regularly, without causing waterlogging. In pot culture, there is a higher need for casting than in freshly-moist garden soil. Check every 1-2 days with your finger to see if the substrate has dried. Place the normal tap water on the root area until the coaster fills up.
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Properly fertilize the lark spur

Under ideal conditions in the nutrient-rich garden soil, fertilizing with compost and horn shavings is sufficient. Likewise, bark humus, guanogranulate or horse dung boost the larkspore. Work in the organic material and water. If the wild shrubs thrive in the tub, administer a liquid fertilizer every 4 weeks from May until the end of flowering.
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As part of the European flora, the larkspur is used to grief in winter. Even freezing frost can not harm the wild bush. Permanent wetness, on the other hand, can cause decay on the tubers. We therefore recommend dropping fallen leaves in autumn and fixing them with needle twigs. For the sake of caution, please wrap jars or foil over planters and push a block of wood underneath.
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Multiply larkspore

Tuberous larch spur species, such as Corydalis intermedia, produce daughter bulbs or brooder bulbs. Dig these perennials in the fall to cut off the small offshoots with a sharp, disinfected knife. Alternatively, plant the nodules immediately in the garden soil or first add the tiny plants in a pot. Bale forming species, such as Corydalis solida, are excellent for propagation through division. Get the root ball out of the ground in autumn to cut it into two or more segments with the spade. At the new site, plant these parts in the compost-processed soil and water them with plenty of water.
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Is Larkspur poisonous?

Larkspur is assigned to the poisonous ornamental plants. This is due to the toxic ingredients, which are concentrated in tubers and rhizomes. In leaves, shoots and flowers, the toxins are also included. Therefore, consider growing Corydalis only out of reach of children and pets. Store the tubers until planting so that they can not be confused with onions or vegetables.
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Beautiful varieties