The best season for crocuses

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
beautiful fresh flowers carpet on the green grass, crocus flower, crocus blooming season trip
Video: beautiful fresh flowers carpet on the green grass, crocus flower, crocus blooming season trip


Crocuses blooming in spring are planted in autumn

The best season for crocuses

Crocuses are completely hardy. Therefore, the species that thrive in spring may still be in the ground shortly before winter. In contrast, autumn crocuses are planted in late summer. What you need to know about the best planting time.

The best planting season for spring-flowering crocuses

Spring-flowering crocuses can be set until the beginning of winter, as long as the ground is not frozen.

The most beautiful flowers unfold when you plant the crocus bulbs in October or November.

When will autumn crocuses be planted?

Autumn crocuses are growing very fast. It is sufficient if you put the tubers in humus-rich, permeable garden soil at the end of August.

Tips & Tricks

If you want to care for crocuses in the house, you must first provide for a longer cold period. From November, place the crocus bulbs in the planter and place in a cool, dark place. After about ten weeks, roots have formed and the crocuses are allowed to move into the room.