Do not keep cress for long, but use it quickly

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 2 August 2021
Update Date: 17 June 2024
9 Herbs You Can Grow In Water Over And Over Again For Endless Supply
Video: 9 Herbs You Can Grow In Water Over And Over Again For Endless Supply


Do not keep cress for long, but use it quickly

Cress can be grown as fast as no other herb. But just as fast, you should use the leaves as well. They can not be stored for long. Freezing and drying are at best emergency solutions, as the taste suffers greatly from the preservation.

Store cress

If the cress crop is too large, store the herbs in a freezer bag in the refrigerator. Make sure that the leaves are not too damp.

The ideal storage place in the fridge is the Bio-Fresh tray, if one is available. Otherwise, store the cut cress in the vegetable compartment.

The shredded cress stays in the fridge for a maximum of one week. Before consumption, you should check whether the herbs still smell fresh and no mold has formed.

Cress freeze or dry

Sometimes very large amounts of cress are produced, for example if you have sown them in the garden as catch crops. So that the herbs do not completely perish, you can freeze them, either in the freezer bag or as cress cubes.

Do not dry cress. The effort is not worth it because the aroma is almost completely lost.

Process better than keep

You can store cress that you have processed for a longer period of time

Cress can be used to make herb butter. Also in oil you can store watercress for many weeks.

Very delicious is pesto made from cress and other herbs that you process together with oil, garlic, pine nuts and other ingredients.

Better to reapply continuously

Cress germinates within a few days and is ready to be harvested after just four to six days. It is therefore advisable to always plant only as much cress as you can consume.

Sow a new bowl of cress every four days to every week, as needed. Then you always have a supply and you do not have to worry about the preservation.

Tips & Tricks

Cress in the box bought in the supermarket should not be stored in the refrigerator, as this increases the risk of mold. When buying, make sure that the plants look fresh and no mold has formed on the potting soil.