The care of the queen of the night (selenicereus grandiflorus)

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 17 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Our Selenicereus grandiflorus ’ Queen of the Night’ Cactus from Buds to Blooms
Video: Our Selenicereus grandiflorus ’ Queen of the Night’ Cactus from Buds to Blooms


The queen of the night needs water during the flowering period

The care of the queen of the night (selenicereus grandiflorus)

As inconspicuous as the long tendrils of this cactus may seem to be, the flower opens up and is one of the most impressive natural spectacles. The care is surprisingly simple, so that this little miracle can certainly be experienced at home. With our tips, you too can watch this flower wonder every year.

How is poured?

It is a common misconception that cacti need little or no water. Especially during the growth and flowering phase, the queen of the night has to be watered regularly. It is always poured when the upper centimeters of the substrate feel dry. This can be easily determined by the thumb sample.

How is fertilized?

From April, when the new shoots form, it is necessary to fertilize every week. Ideal is a special cactus fertilizer, which you administer in the dosage indicated on the packaging.

What should be considered when repotting?

Selenicereus grandiflorus puts a lot of power into the growth of tendrils and flowers. That's why regular repotting is important. About every three years, at the beginning of the growing season, the plant is placed in a larger vessel. Proceed as follows:

Which earth is suitable?

The substrate should be well drained, slightly acidic and nutritious. Ideal is commercially available potting soil, which loosen up with sand or perlite. You can also use commercially available cactus earth.

Does Selenicereus grandiflorus need to be cut?

Only when shoots have become unsightly or grown too long, you should shorten the cactus. Charge the interfaces with charcoal to prevent fungus from entering.


During the cold season, the queen of the night must be wintered cooler. Ideal is a temperature around 15 degrees. However, it should not fall below 10 degrees, as this could cause damage due to cold. It is not fertilized and poured very sparingly.

Which pests and diseases threaten?

The proud cactus is very resistant to pests and diseases. Only too much water you can add, then threatens root rot. Very rarely, wool or mealybugs occur.


With its climbing or semi-drooping, spiked tendrils, the Queen of the Night is a bizarre beauty. The long shoots need extra support. This can be a trellis. Selenicereus grandiflorus also likes to grow into another plant. It does not crush them and does not harm them with their thorns, so they can enjoy the uniqueness of this plant community.