Climbing trumpet (Campsis) - location, care, wintering, reproduction

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 25 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Trumpet Creeper: Cautions
Video: Trumpet Creeper: Cautions


The climbing trumpet must be watered regularly

Climbing trumpet (Campsis) - location, care, wintering, reproduction

The climbing trumpet or trumpet flower (Campsis) can be used as a groundcover or as a climbing plant tied to a wall; she needs sun and a nutrient-rich soil. Propagation succeeds the fastest over cuttings, but is not easy.

Early article Caution! Climbing trumpet is poisonous Next article Cut back the climbing trumpet vigorously in the spring

Which location does the trumpet flower prefer?

Trumpet flowers like it warm, protected and sunny, whereas the "foot" - ergo the roots - should be more shady. Perfect is about a sunny spot on a heat radiating house wall.

Which soil conditions are ideal for the climbing trumpet?

The plant needs a nutrient-rich, moist soil, as it is found in their home, especially in humid wetlands and with drought very difficult to cope. Continuous moisture or waterlogging should nevertheless be avoided.

Can the climbing trumpet be cultivated in the pot?

Although the climbing trumpet needs a good deal of moisture, but does not tolerate waterlogging. For this reason, you should ensure good drainage in the pot.

How often should the trumpet flower be watered?

The climbing trumpet can not tolerate prolonged periods of drought, so you should water the plant regularly, moisturizing the soil well each time. In addition, it makes sense to mulch the root area, because this counteracts drying out of the soil.

When and with which fertilizer can I fertilize the climbing trumpet?

In principle, it suffices to supply planted climbing trumpets with a bit of compost for budding. Nitrogenous fertilizer should be used sparingly as it stimulates growth but prevents flowering.

When and how is the pruning of the trumpet flower done?

Since the climbing trumpet always produces its flowers only on young shoots, the plant should be severely cut back in spring - ideally between February and March. Thin, weak or too long branches can also be cut off all year round - the plant blooms mainly on short branches.

When does the climbing trumpet bloom?

The trumpet flower blooms - depending on the variety - usually between July and October.

My climbing trumpet does not bloom, why is that?

If the climbing trumpet does not bloom, it could be too shady. In addition, the plants bloom only from the age of about four years.

How can I propagate trumpet flowers?

Climbing trumpets multiply very reliably even by seeds and Wurzelausläufer. Targeted you can propagate the plants by sowing, lowering or cuttings.

Is the climbing trumpet vulnerable to certain diseases and pests?

The plant is less susceptible to pest or disease infestation.

Is the climbing trumpet hardy?

The American climbing trumpet (Campsis radicans) is hardy to about minus 15 ° C, the more sensitive Chinese climbing trumpet (Campsis grandiflora), however, is quite sensitive to freezing temperatures. Winter protection is therefore always appropriate.


Since all parts of the climbing trumpet are poisonous, you should always wear gloves when gardening.