Find and create allotments

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 15 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to create Hotel allotments in TourVisio
Video: How to create Hotel allotments in TourVisio


Planting vegetables in your own garden is fun and nourished

Find and create allotments

The urge of the Germans for their own plot in the countryside is enormous. In some cases, waiting times of more than five years already exist in major cities such as Munich, Frankfurt or Hamburg. In many regions, even the creation of waiting lists has been abandoned. Trendy for several years is called "Urban Gardening", also called city gardeners. Background: Former agricultural areas are simply divided into small garden plots and rented out with different terms. Interested parties are especially the younger families, so a generation, the club gardening so far called like old-fashioned. What causes this change of mind and why are "start-ups" that generate such a mainstream in the green, literally overrun by interested parties?

Such offers are particularly motivating by offering the new gardeners complete and complete worry-free complete packages without long-term commitment, for example free garden tool use, water connection, seed and plant packages, expertly prepared beds and much more.

Competent contacts in the search for a free allotment on the ground are primarily the regional allotment garden clubs. Very helpful here is the carefully researched and very up-to-date address material on the site

We have summarized two providers of urban gardening in the rental garden operating throughout Germany in an overview:

Tips & Tricks

If the dream of your own garden still does not come true, grab your family and bicycles the next weekend, just cycle over land and look through the villages. Throw notes in the mailboxes at the properties that would need some care at the moment or simply ring here and there. You might find someone with the older villagers who can provide you with some of their property to plant their own garden beds.

And if it does not succeed, there is another possibility: the guerrilla tactic.

Triste beautify surfaces in public space

In the past, dropping so-called seed bombs was a form of civil disobedience or an expression of political protest. Most municipalities in Germany, however, see the now rather defused method of communal gardening more relaxed - if they were informed in advance. Often the municipalities even grant sponsorships for parts of the public space or for previously neglected areas in the care and maintenance of the city green.A few tree slices near the apartment can therefore be found on which they can prove their gardening ambitions, albeit small-scale ones. And: Who has nothing to do with the finished seed bombs from the relevant online shops, makes the following:

Recipe for seed bombs: