When does the poppy bloom?

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 15 March 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
Poppy - Bloom (Official Audio)
Video: Poppy - Bloom (Official Audio)


Wild poppies bloom from the end of May

When does the poppy bloom?

The wild poppy, also called poppy or latin papaver rhoeas, is for many people a sure sign that summer has begun. When the red spots at the edges of the field light up, the grain harvest is soon approaching.

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From May to July you can look forward to the wild poppy, provided it is warm enough. Because the poppy is a little picky, as far as the weather is concerned. He likes it warm and dry. The individual plants bloom only a few days, but the poppy propagates by itself on unsprung fields and on roadsides.

The essentials in brief:

Tips & Tricks

If you have poppies in the garden, then let some seed pods mature. So you do not have to worry about sowing.