Do you have to cut back kiwi?

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 28 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to prune a kiwi plant
Video: How to prune a kiwi plant


Do you have to cut back kiwi?

The kiwis tend to proliferate. In order to keep the vigorous plant in the desired shape and at the same time to promote fruit wood production, you should prune your kiwi tree - if necessary several times a year - vigorously.

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The kiwi plant is a climbing, winter hardy shrub that likes to climb up the pergolas, pergolas, fences and walls. Under optimal site conditions, the kiwi grows several meters a year. This is rarely desired, so you should shorten strong branches.

Cutting time

Fruit woodcutting is done in the late autumn after the harvest. The extensive fruit cutting process and shortening of the long shoots will be carried out in February / March, if you can better see the unleaubte scaffolding.

types of cuts

Cutting is an important care measure to harvest many healthy fruits. Kiwis use the following cutting measures:

education section

In the first two years, the growth direction of the main and side shoots is determined and forms the basic structure of the plant. This is most easily done on the trellis. This is done by stretching wires between sturdy wooden posts. It starts at a height of about 60 cm above the ground and spans at least two more wires at a distance of about 50 cm. Each wire is only covered with a vine, the main shoot is tied to a vertical bar. Competing shoots are removed immediately.

Fruit Woodcut

With the harvest one cuts the fruit shoots on stubs of two to four buds. After three years, the fruit wood can be completely removed, which then attracts new side shoots to fruit wood. In order to ensure a steady yield, one should not cut away more than a third of the entire old fruit wood.

Rejuvenate and renew

About every seven years, older main shoots can be taken away and replaced by young shoots. Low-yielding plants can be cut down radically, take away the old wood and renew it. By redirecting young, well-watched rivals, the plant can be rebuilt. Even with frost damage to the kiwi plant can be moved in this way.

Tips & Tricks

The proliferating kiwis are virtually impossible to cut. The more radical the cut, the more the plant repels.