Cherry Tree Disease - Prevention is better than cure

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 5 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Guava plants disease and cure
Video: Guava plants disease and cure


Cherry Tree Disease - Prevention is better than cure

Planted, well-fed cherry trees are more resistant to pests and diseases than those that are in an unfavorable location and receive inadequate care. Careful location and variety selection as well as protective measures prevent the diseases.

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Most diseases of cherry trees are fungal diseases. Therefore, the selection of resistant varieties is particularly important. Effective control of the affected woody plants is achieved by suitable cutting and spraying measures. The pest infestation can be contained by targeted promotion of beneficial organisms (insects, birds).


The fruit tree crayfish is a fungal disease that affects the wood and the bark. The affected areas become discolored, the bark becomes dry and tears, and over time thickening develops at the affected areas. To prevent it, good wound care and prevention of bark damage is important. As a control measure especially the removal and destruction of the affected areas is possible.


The Valsakrankheit is caused by a fungal pathogen that spreads in the bark wounds. The bark surface gets warts, discolored and sink, the leaves turn yellow, die, as well as the fruits. The damage is also characterized by rubber flow. Prevent the Valsa disease by avoiding unsuitable locations. To combat the affected areas cut out, close wounds well.


The Monilia occurs as top drought or fruit rot. In the former, the flowers wither and wither on the tips of the branches and the affected branch parts then die. The fruit rot hits the fruits, which rot first and later form the so-called fruit mummies. Characteristic for both diseases is that the dried flowers or fruits stick to the branch. These are the breeding grounds of the mushroom and are removed as soon as possible! The dead branches should be cut back to the healthy wood.

Shotgun disease

The shotlet disease manifests itself in the fact that on the leaves first reddish spots are visible, which gradually become darker and later turn into holes, so that the leaves look like shot. In very strong infestation, the tree drops the leaves prematurely. If the fruits are also affected, crippling them and the shoots die. The chemical control of the disease on the leaves occurs before flowering. The affected shoots are radically cut back.


Tips & Tricks

The birds in the garden are useful because they help to control the pests. However, the blackbirds and the starlings also like to eat the delicious fruits of the sweet cherry. So that the damage is not greater than the benefit, protect the crown with a tight-meshed to fruit ripeness.