This will make your seedling a well-grown pine

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to grow Pine Tree seedlings from pine cones the Lazy and Easy way
Video: How to grow Pine Tree seedlings from pine cones the Lazy and Easy way


The location of the pine should be chosen with great care

This will make your seedling a well-grown pine

Would you like to use your own jaw? Fortunately, there are many methods to choose from. For example, it is common to breed from seeds, which, however, does not promise a hundred percent probability of success and also requires much patience. However, seedlings are already preferred young plants that have grown in special beds or glasshouse cultures. Since the beginning is already done, the rearing will be much easier for you.

Buy pine seedlings

Pine seedlings are available in every nursery. The still small plants are very easy to transport and are usually inexpensive.Alternatively, you will also find the Internet.

Plant pines seedlings

In order for your saplings to develop into a stately pine, care is needed. Below you will find helpful tips for a healthy growth of your conifer.

The preparation

Before you plant your seedlings, you should think about the garden design. Once your jaw reaches a certain size and gets used to the location, you could disrupt its growth by repositioning the conifer. The limit is the age of five years of a pine tree. Planning therefore saves you a lot of time and effort. When doing so, also pay attention to the light radiation and the ground conditions of the selected location. Fortunately, a jaw is very undemanding in this respect.

Instructions for planting

Here's how to plant saplings when planting your pines:

    loosen the soil and remove the weeds, if necessary place the seedlings on the surface in advance to estimate the distance. Soak the seedlings well and put the root ball in water for some time while the root ball is soaked in water, dig out the holes now put the young pine in the ground in the first few weeks you should pay attention to an increased watering


Young pine seedlings are still prone to pest infestation. For protection it is advisable to plant certain accompanying cultures that keep predators away. Spinach and mustard give off an intense aroma that keeps many animals away.