Are all chestnuts germinable?

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 21 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Chestnut Chat: Cloning and Embryogenesis
Video: Chestnut Chat: Cloning and Embryogenesis


Chestnuts often germinate by themselves

Are all chestnuts germinable?

In principle, all chestnuts are germinable, provided they are healthy. Some pests, such as the chestnut winder or the chestnut drill, damage the fruits, which of course can not germinate. In addition, collected chestnuts are not sorted.

So pick chestnuts from a tree because you want to breed that particular strain, then you may be disappointed with the first harvest. Because fertilization with another strain mixes the genetic material.

Under what conditions does the chestnut germinate?

The chestnut is one of the so-called cold germs. This means that the seeds must first be exposed to a certain cold to germinate at all. Fresh or moist chestnuts also germinate much better than dry ones. These should be watered for a while before sowing.

Can the chestnut sprout in the garden?

Just drop fallen chestnuts in your backyard, and you're sure to get one or two germs. The small trees can be planted next year to another place. Sowing in the garden is also possible. However, chestnuts are very tasty for some animals, which could cause some loss of seed.

How do I draw a chestnut from seeds?

To determine if the seeds of your chestnut are disease free, place them in a jar of water. You can safely dispose of floating chestnut, they may be eaten empty and no longer germinable. Healthy chestnuts germinate very easily and reliably.

Put the fresh chestnuts in a nutrient-poor substrate. During germination, keep the seeds moist but not wet. Leave the culture container in the cold (refrigerator or freezer) for at least a few days. Alternatively, you can also cool the chestnuts before sowing. Even a hibernation in the garden is possible.

The essentials in brief:


The chestnut is a cold germ. If you want to grow chestnuts in the house, then expose the seeds to at least a few days of cold.