Repackaging Camellias - When and how?

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 8 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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The roots need plenty of space for the camellia to grow well

Repackaging Camellias - When and how?

Camellias should not be repotted too often. Flowering Camellia japonica should only be planted once every three years. Repotting is necessary if the pot has become too small or the soil contains hardly any nutrients.

Early article Camellia japonica maintain - Tips for optimal care Next article Which diseases and pests occur in camellias?

When do camellias have to be repotted?

When the roots have spread in the whole pot so that they already grow out through the drain holes below, it is high time to repot.

Even if the earth does not contain enough nutrients or if pests such as the weeping weevil have taken root in it, repotting the camellia is advisable.

The best time to repot

There are two good dates to repot a Camellia japonica. The first is right after the flowering season in spring, when all the buds have faded.

If you have missed this time, you may repot the camellia at the end of August, as soon as the budding has begun.

During the rest of the time you should only transplant the plant in an emergency.

The right pot and pases substrate

The new pot should only be slightly larger than the old bucket. Clean the planter carefully. Important are vent holes, so that no waterlogging occurs through the casting. A layer of sand or gravel, which comes under the potting soil at the bottom of the bucket, also helps against waterlogging.

Camellias prefer a soil with a low PH value, which is also known in the jargon as peat grove. Above all, he must be lime-free. You can buy the corresponding camellia soil or substitute azalea earth in the specialized trade.

If you want to mix the earth yourself, you need:

Limit growth by repotting

Timely repotting can limit the growth of camellia. To do this, remove the Camellia japonica from the pot, cut it with a sharp knife around one to two centimeters of the roots and put the plant in fresh soil.

Tips & Tricks

If the camellia has become too big, you may also cut it back radically if necessary. Shorten the shoots so that each shoot is at least five centimeters long and enough eyes remain.