The proper care of Kalanchoe Humilis

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 24 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Kalanchoe Humilis | Complete Blooming Season | Grow, Care and Propagation of succulent Plants
Video: Kalanchoe Humilis | Complete Blooming Season | Grow, Care and Propagation of succulent Plants


The Kalanchoe humilis delights with its reddish leaves

The proper care of Kalanchoe Humilis

This very beautiful Kalanchoe impresses with its patterned, fleshy leaves. From the leaf rosette grows a long flowering style with small but extremely attractive flowers. The Kalanchoe Humilis is quite robust, you pay attention to some basic things in the care.

How is poured?

Like all other succulents, the Kalanchoe Humilis is very modest in terms of water needs. As a rule, it is sufficient to water the plant once a week. In any case, the upper centimeters of the substrate should feel dry (thumb sample). Excess irrigation water, which collects in the coaster, throw away after a few minutes, as this Kalanchoe is prone to root rot.

How is fertilized?

The succulent is very undemanding. It suffices to supply a commercial liquid fertilizer on a monthly basis during the growth period.

When will I repackage?

It has to be repotted at the latest when fine roots grow out of the water drainage holes. The ideal time for this measure is in early spring, at the beginning of the growth period. The pot should be one, at most two numbers larger than the previous planter. Cactus substrate meets all the demands of the frugal Kalanchoe.

How is the plant cut?

The succulent plant needs no pruning. With the flower umbels proceed as follows:

Care during the winter months

This pretty succulent plant can be wintered at room temperature. The plant is also a bit cooler during this time, but below 15 degrees the room temperature should not drop.

Which pests and diseases threaten?

Vermin or plant diseases are very rare in these robust plants.


After repotting the frugal Kalanchoe Humilis needs no additional fertilizer during the first year. Only in the second year is fertilized in the summer months.