This care needs the Japanese lavender heath!

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 17 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Perineal Care Female - CNA State Board Exam Skill
Video: Perineal Care Female - CNA State Board Exam Skill


The Japanese lavender heath is easy to maintain, but needs regular water

This care needs the Japanese lavender heath!

Whether in the bud, during flowering or in winter - the Japanese lavender heather is attractive in every season. In order for her to stay that way, she should take care of herself from time to time. Find out what matters, below!

How to pour the Japanese lavender heather?

The Japanese lavender heath tolerates dryness badly. Therefore, it should be especially generously supplied with water in the pot, in a sunny position and at flowering time. For the best lime-free water is used, because this plant lime can not get anything.

Is fertilization necessarily necessary?

Those who fertilize the Japanese lavender heather at regular intervals, will be able to enjoy a lush foliage and a richer Blütenflor. Container plants should be supplied with liquid fertilizer every 3 to 4 weeks. Especially at flowering, fertilization has proven to keep the flowers long and strengthen the plant.

Which pest occurs most often?

The Japanese lavender heath is sometimes attacked by the andromeda web bug. This lays its eggs on the leaves and sucks the leaves at the same time. Destroy the infested shoots before the larvae hatch!

Does the wintering play an important role?

If the Japanese lavender heath is out in the open, you need not worry about wintering. This plant is good for winter hardy. The display of the thermometer can safely fall to -20 ° C.

But if your Japanese lavender heather is in the pot, you should take precautions:

Why and how should this plant be cut?

The shadow bell is cut during or shortly after its heyday. Cut away all withered inflorescences. If the plant serves as a hedge, all shoots can easily be cut back for dense growth.

Tips & Tricks

Whenever you come into direct contact with the Japanese lavender heath, you should wear protective gloves and, if necessary, eye protection. This is recommended because of the toxicity of this plant.