The Jakobsgreiskraut - highly poisonous for horses!

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 25 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Jakobskreuzkraut (Senecio jacobaea): Fakten & wissenschaftliche Hintergründe | Ökologin erklärt
Video: Jakobskreuzkraut (Senecio jacobaea): Fakten & wissenschaftliche Hintergründe | Ökologin erklärt


Horses usually avoid ragwort by itself

The Jakobsgreiskraut - highly poisonous for horses!

The July yellow and bright yellow flowering ragwort is highly poisonous for horses. Particularly fatal: All plant parts contain the toxins, which remain dried even in the hay.

So poisonous is the ragwort

Mammals react differently to the toxins they contain. Particularly endangered are horses, where already forty to eighty grams of jacarain can lead to death. A single stem of the flowering plant weighs about seventy grams and thus contains the deadly dose of toxins.

The symptoms of poisoning

The signs of seneciosis (Schweinsberger disease) may be only partially or individually, so that the horse owner does not immediately associate them with the cockroach herb. The poisoning is characterized by:

The poisoning is untreatable and inevitably leads to the death of the animal.

Remove ragwort on pastures

In order to protect the animals, the ragwort should be consistently combated:

Destroy the parts of the plants by disposing of them in the household waste. Alternatively, the plant can be composted or burned in composting plants.


Horse owners should not be soothed by the sentence: "Horses are not stupid and do not eat that!" Especially young animals tend to pick up ragwort on the pasture. Even in hay, the toxins are retained. Therefore, feed only hay, which is declared as St. Jacob's wort free.