Help, my hydrangea is coming! What can I do?

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 7 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Why Isn’t My Hydrangea Blooming? // Garden Answer
Video: Why Isn’t My Hydrangea Blooming? // Garden Answer


Help, my hydrangea is coming! What can I do?

Sometimes freshly used or newly purchased hydrangeas ache and leave the flowers hanging after a short time. Hydrangea flowers and leaves may turn brown, begin to wither, and the plant looks unsightly. In many cases care mistakes are to blame if the hydrangea does not develop and respond properly.

The Hydrangea drives out briefly and then wilts

Although the hydrangea is very thirsty, it reacts very sensitive to waterlogging like many other plants. Often this arises because the substrate in the pot is not permeable enough and the water accumulates in the pot ball after pouring.


Carefully pothouse the hydrangea and remove the soil. A healthy root looks fresh, as it is in full juice, is relatively light and has white ends. If, on the other hand, the roots are brown and muddy, they are rotten and can no longer feed the plant.

Carefully remove the dead root without damaging the healthy roots. Place the hydrangea in special soil of the soil and make sure that the pot has a sufficiently large water drainage hole. Cover this with a potsherd so that it will not get clogged by the substrate.

Pour properly

Only spray the Hydrangea if the upper centimeter of the substrate feels dry and tip off excess water after fifteen minutes.

Flowers and leaves wither

The most common cause of the brown color of the foliage and flowers are frost damage or sunburn.


Remove the brown leaves and carefully remove the withered flowers. If frost damage is the cause of the wilting, please take note of our winter protection tips in the future. If too strong and sudden solar radiation is the cause, you should put the hydrangea first in the shade and slowly get used to the changed conditions in the field.

The hydrangea lets the flowers hang and wilts

Hydrangeas that suddenly wither suffer in many cases from lack of water. If the hydrangea is in the sun for several hours a day, it develops a not to be underestimated thirst, because it evaporates a lot of water over the large leaf area.


On warm days, water your hydrangea well when the soil feels dry. Hydrangeas in the pot can be immersed in water with the plant container until no more air bubbles rise.

Tips & Tricks

If there are no care mistakes, the larvae of the weevil or other pests could be responsible for the care of the plant. Also, fungal infections occur occasionally in the hydrangea.