Home-grown salad from the raised bed - These varieties are particularly well suited

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 5 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Tips How to Grow a Ton of Salad in Just One Raised Garden Bed or Container
Video: 5 Tips How to Grow a Ton of Salad in Just One Raised Garden Bed or Container


Salad feels right at home in the raised bed

Home-grown salad from the raised bed - These varieties are particularly well suited

Most salads come from the daisy family but can still be placed in a raised bed together. Plant cabbage or radish between the rows of head, cut and pickle salads. In late summer, you can then sow corn salad from the valerian family.

Head and Romana Salads

The lettuce with its soft, aromatic leaves and loose heads is available in green and red-leaved varieties. The newer ones are even tolerant of powdery mildew and still have a fine, nutty aroma. Romanasalats, on the other hand, are one of the typical summer salads, as they do not bloom on long days and develop beautiful heads. Batavia and ice salads also have crispy leaves and sturdy heads and are cultivated in summer for autumn harvesting. Head and Romanasalat and Batavia should preferably be preferred and placed as a young plant directly into the bed.

Leaf lettuce

Sliced ​​lettuce is one of the first fresh vegetables you can harvest in the garden year. There are many cold-resistant varieties that can easily be grown in the raised bed until the first frost. For head, cut and pickle salad, there are varieties for early cultivation in spring, varieties for summer cultivation and those that are best suited for the second half of the fall in the fall. Then you should pay attention to the choice of variety, because they are sown or planted at the "wrong" season, it may come to premature flowering - the salad "shoots". Dress salad grows quickly and can be harvested just a few weeks after sowing.


The pickle salads include the red- or green-leaved oak leaf, lollo and beak salads (these are special varieties with pointed leaves). They can either be harvested bit by bit from the outside or as a whole loose head. They are usually a bit crunchier in the bite than lettuce.


Endives and radicchio are Zichoriensalate for cultivation in autumn. They contain more bitter substances and therefore have a very own, typical taste. Also Friseé salads and the sugar loaf belong in this group.

Lamb's lettuce

Corn salad is also known as field salad, rapunzel salad or lamb's lettuce. The sowing directly into the bed is possible from September / October, in too warm weather the seeds do not germinate. If you want to harvest already in the autumn, you will buy early seedlings in late summer, which will be put into the bed in small tuffs. In winter lamb's lettuce should be covered with a fleece.


Lettuce seedlings must be planted as high as possible, so that the leaves are airy. The reason: too low-set salad does not train right heads.