Is it possible to build a raised bed without foil?

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 5 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Make Hoops for Raised Beds (4 Ways)
Video: How to Make Hoops for Raised Beds (4 Ways)


A raised bed made of stone does not need a foil

Is it possible to build a raised bed without foil?

Who wants to build a raised bed - especially if it should be made of wood - often gets the advice to line the flower box from the inside with a waterproof film. Now pond and dimpled films are not a cheap purchase - quite the opposite - in addition, just ecologically conscious people attach importance to keep their garden free from any plastic and its potentially harmful exhalations. So is it possible to build a raised bed without a foil?

High beds made of stone do not need a foil

Of course this is possible - if you make your raised bed of stone! This material is extremely durable, durable, ecological (especially if you build the raised bed of self-collected fieldstone) and you can do without any foil without damaging the stone. In question are natural stones such as granite, slate or sandstone, but also concrete. In particular from Betonformsteinen and -palisaden, from manhole rings and similar starting materials can be designed very beautiful raised beds.

Can wood high beds be protected from rapid deterioration even without a film?

Let's be clear: Wood, which is permanently in contact with moisture, rots within a few years. So do not dress up your wood high bed with a waterproof film, the damp interior is constantly on the wood. Of course, you can still do without a foil - but then have to build a new raised bed every few years. There are no ecological alternatives to a pond or dimpled film - at least none that would be equally effective. Nevertheless, you can dispense with a slide and instead resort to the following (admittedly also not eternally durable) measures:

However, instead of using foil, the interior of a wooden raised bed can also be clad with other materials, such as stone (old paving slabs, used roof tiles ...). However, these are difficult to attach and also increase the weight of the raised bed considerably - as a result, a solid foundation is essential. It is simpler if you simply decorate a classic stone raised bed (eg manhole rings) with wood from the outside (eg with wooden palisades) and thus visually enhance it.


If you decide to use a film, look carefully at the used material. There is also non-toxic and ecologically harmless film without plasticizer.