Hibiscus proliferate successfully

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 14 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
জবা গাছের বার্ক কলম | Grafting Different Colour Hibiscus
Video: জবা গাছের বার্ক কলম | Grafting Different Colour Hibiscus


Hibiscus proliferate successfully

The hibiscus blooms with such a splendor that one would like to have it in multiple execution. Garden marshmallow (also rose marshmallow) and Zimmerhibiscus are easy to multiply, depending on the species by cuttings, seeds, sinkers or seedlings.

Propagation by seedlings

The garden hibiscus makes it easy for you to multiply, as it is self-fertile. In the summer most of the shrubs grow small sinkers from which you can grow new shrubs. Once the countersinks have branched out, you dig them out carefully and plant them to a new place.

Propagation by cuttings

The propagation by cuttings is suitable for both the garden marshmallow and the rose marshmallow and should be done in summer if possible. You need pots or small flower pots with potting soil, rooting powder and a pruning shears (everything from the garden market).

First you cut up to 15cm long shoots with at least 3 eyes from the hibiscus and remove the lower leaves. The cuttings you dip into rooting powder and then put them in pots with potting soil. It is important that the earth always remains moist. In a bright, warm location - ideally a greenhouse - the cuttings rooted after a few weeks.

Show the first leaves, you can put the cuttings in larger pots or in the garden. Even after planting, the hibiscus needs regular watering.

Propagation by seeds

A little more patience is required for seed multiplication. When garden marshmallow you need to pick up the seeds in the garden only. Seeds of hibiscus rosa sinensis you will have to buy against it. The right time to sow is the spring or early summer, so that the young plants develop well until winter.

The collected seeds are first scratched a little, placed in a pot with composting soil and loosely covered with soil. So that the seeds are not washed away during the pouring, you moisten the earth better with a spray bottle.

Just like the cuttings, the seeds need a warm, bright place. If the plantlets have developed well and formed the first leaves, you can transplant them.

Propagation of the garden hibiscus by sinkers

Another method for propagating the garden hibiscus is the lowering. For this you bend a suitable shoot down, slightly scores the bark and put in with this place in a prepared recess. You attach the branch with a wire and cover it with earth, with the end of the branch should look out of the ground.

After some time, the branch at the interface forms its own roots. If the countersink has become large enough, it can be separated - preferably in late spring - and planted in a suitable place.

Tips & Tricks

If you do not have a greenhouse or a room greenhouse, you can also put a transparent plastic bag or a freezer bag over the pot. Give the pot a bright place on a windowsill without sun exposure and ventilate the bag regularly so that no mold forms.