Are parts of hazelnut poisonous?

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
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Are parts of hazelnut poisonous?

The hazelnut - in Germany it can be found in many forests, gardens and parks. Anyone who plants them in their own garden may wonder whether parts of this plant are poisonous. The answer is easy and short ...

All plant parts are non-toxic

Neither roots, seeds, wood, flowers nor leaves of ordinary hazelnut are poisonous. This applies to both humans and animals. You can therefore handle hazelnut without hesitation and have it standing in your garden.

Tips & Tricks

The hazelnut is in contrast to toxic enormously healthy. Their nut fruits contain a lot of essential fatty acids and minerals and their leaves are used for various healing purposes such as varicose veins.