When and how does the hazelnut bloom?

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Hazelnut Tree In Full Bloom
Video: Hazelnut Tree In Full Bloom


When and how does the hazelnut bloom?

Allergic people know how to sing a song of them ... They are not pleased when the hazelnut is in full bloom and spreads its numerous pollen in their environment. But when exactly does the flowering begin and what makes the flowers of this plant?

When does the flowering season begin and end?

The flowers of hazelnut fall in contrast to those of other plants not immediately in the eye. They present themselves - depending on the variety - early in the year. This is usually the case before the foliage sprouts - between February and March.

The male flowers

Both male and female flowers occur on every hazelnut. The male flowers reveal themselves before the female flowers. They usually occur in the autumn of the previous year and overwinter naked in the leaf axils and at the tips of the older shoots.

The male flowers have the following characteristics:

The female flowers

The female flowers of hazelnut are extremely inconspicuous. They are bud-shaped and appear after the male flowers. Trapped by the bud, only their red scars are visible. Since they have no nectar, they are uninteresting to the insect world. In the course of their flowering phase, they are pollinated by the wind from the male flowers.

Tips & Tricks

Since the flowers of hazelnut appear on the older shoots, care should be taken when cutting the plant. Excessive pruning leads to the loss of flowering and thus to the failure of the nut harvest in autumn.