Grow cucumbers in the garden and harvest abundantly

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 4 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to grow Cucumbers at home with large, delicious and abundant fruits
Video: How to grow Cucumbers at home with large, delicious and abundant fruits


Grow cucumbers in the garden and harvest abundantly

Fancy harvest-fresh cucumbers? Then it is worthwhile collecting the seeds from the next cucumber and using them for cultivation in the garden or on the balcony. It's so easy with harvest-fresh cucumbers outdoors. To do this you need:

Remove seeds from the cucumber, dry on kitchen paper and keep closed. From the beginning of March prepare the cucumbers to pull themselves.

How do cucumbers thrive in the garden?

Basically, a distinction between open-field cucumbers and greenhouses. Furthermore, one cucumbers depending on the use in cucumbers and pickles. The growth time varies between 50 and 70 days. Cucumber plants are either climbing plants that reach a height of up to three meters or low-lying shrubs. Cucumbers thrive best in loose humus soil in dry and sunny weather.

Organically grown cucumbers are among the most vitamin-rich vegetables. Who does not have a garden, can grow healthy cucumbers on the balcony and harvest abundantly. Only when no risk of frost threatens, even pulled and pikierte young plants in the field.

To do this, gradually set the cucumbers out into the open during the day and slowly get used to temperature differences. For permanent residence, prepare in the open air from mid-May. The sunnier the location, the faster the fruit ripens. During the growth period they need a lot of space, light and air. So that they thrive well not too dense, but with the required planting distance. Stabilize the plants with a suitable cucumber trellis aid.

Maintain cucumbers in the field properly and harvest abundantly

During the summer months cucumber plants swallow a lot of water. Therefore, pour properly and properly. Make sure that they do not dry out or suffer from waterlogging. Fertilize cucumbers with organic nutrients such as nettlejuice.

Depending on the weather and cucumber you can harvest delicious cucumbers in the garden from July to October. Do not pickle the cucumbers, but cut them off with a sharp knife.

Tips & Tricks

The more fruits you harvest, the more cucumber plants start over. During the harvest, already think about the next cultivation next spring and use your favorite cucumbers for seed production.