Günsel in the grass - prevention is better than removing

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 28 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Günsel in the grass - prevention is better than removing - Garden
Günsel in the grass - prevention is better than removing - Garden


It is not easy to remove Günsel from the lawn

Günsel in the grass - prevention is better than removing

The fast-growing Günsel - especially the creeping Günsel (Ajuga reptans) - is very popular as a woody planting or greening larger areas used. In the lawn, the very assertive plants are less welcome. However, with our tips you will stop the unwanted spread.

Next article Günsel - The almost forgotten edible weed

Slow the spread in time

Günsel is also popular because of its assertiveness, after all, the soil-covering plant displaces all weeds and makes the garden look neater. However, this characteristic is not only positive, because the plants also spread out in regions where they are less welcome - for example in the lawn - thanks to the rooting and self-sowing. Basically, the rule - as so often - that prevention is better than cure, because Günsel, once established, is very difficult to remove. This is mainly due to the fact that even the smallest root pieces can produce new plants.

Appropriate measures to combat

Ergo you should prevent a spread of the Günsels from the outset, since a subsequent removal is difficult to accomplish. There are several options available for this:


Since the root extensions of Günsel are not below but above ground, conventional root barriers are pointless. Instead, you can frame the plants with a bedding border that prevents the foothills from spreading beyond the borders.

Ripping / cutting out

In addition, awake plants should be removed as soon as possible by tearing or cutting out. However, you should be very careful and eliminate all roots, otherwise the distance is short-lived. For this you dig the plant out generously and above all make sure that the main root is dug out with.


Since the Günsel spreads not only by Wurzelausläufer, but also by Selbstaussaat, you should precede a fruit and thus seed formation. This is best done by cutting back dead plant parts.

Remove Günsel from the lawn

Despite all the precautions, Günsel sometimes manages to get stuck in the grass. In this case it helps to dig out the plants together with their roots:


In addition to the regular pruning of voracious foothills also helps the regular mowing of the lawn to retain unwanted Günselbewuchs. The lawn should be kept as short as possible.