The exotic guava as a container plant - location, care, cutting, propagating

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 15 August 2021
Update Date: 18 June 2024
Growing & Harvesting The Delicious Feijoa aka Pineapple Guava Fruit Tree | All You Need To Know!
Video: Growing & Harvesting The Delicious Feijoa aka Pineapple Guava Fruit Tree | All You Need To Know!


The guava is considered as easy-care exotic plant

The exotic guava as a container plant - location, care, cutting, propagating

The Real Guava (Psidium), also known as Brazilian or pineapple guava, comes from the tropical and subtropical regions of Central and South America. The up to two-meter-high shrub or tree needs plenty of sun and heat, but also adapts well to the Central European climate. Only frost hardy, the plant is not, so they should not overwinter outdoors. With a little luck you can even harvest ripe fruits.

Which location does the guava need?

As tropical plants, guavas like both the sun and the heat, they can not get enough of both. Treat your guava to a sunny and sheltered spot in the garden or on the balcony. Ideal is also a bright location in the conservatory at temperatures of up to 30 ° C.

In which substrate does the guava feel particularly comfortable?

Guavas have no special requirements for the substrate. It should just be loose and well drained. Good drainage is also important to prevent waterlogging.

How often should you pour the guava?

The plant has a fairly high water requirement and should never dry out. Check with your fingers if it is time to water again: If the substrate has dried on the surface, you should water.

When and with which one should you fertilize the guava?

Fertilize the guava weekly during the growing season with a liquid fertilizer. In winter, no fertilization.

Can you cut the guava?

A pruning is usually not necessary, only overlong shoots should be shortened after the eventual harvest. Also dead wood or too close standing or crossing shoots are regularly removed.

How can the guava be multiplied?

Guavas can be multiplied very well over cuttings. You can also use them from seeds (purchased or self-collected). Cut the cuttings in the spring.

Which diseases and pests are typical of the guava?

Due guava is quite robust, infestation by pests, fungi or other pathogens is rare. Only too much wetness to waterlogging leads to decay.

Is the guava hardy?

As a tropical plant, the guava is not hardy and should be kept in a cool room at about 10 to 15 ° C in a cool room.


In order to harvest fruits, you have to help a little with the dusting with the brush.