Does the green lily need fertilizer?

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 6 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Spring Strawberry Plant Care Basics: Containers, Pruning, Compost, Fertilizing, and Nitrogen Time!
Video: Spring Strawberry Plant Care Basics: Containers, Pruning, Compost, Fertilizing, and Nitrogen Time!


Does the green lily need fertilizer?

Even if the green lily is basically easy to care for, it does not get by without care and attention. Of course, for good growth, it needs nutrients and light. Also, some fertilizer contributes to their well-being.

How often should the green lily be fertilized?

The exact amount of fertilizer that your green lily needs depends on several factors. An important role is played by the size of the plant and the plant pot and the amount of potting soil available to the green lily. The more nutrients a plant can absorb from the soil, the less fertilizer it needs.

In the period from April to October you should fertilize your green lily once or twice a week. In winter, it is usually sufficient if you fertilize your green lily about once a month.

If the plant is relatively cool, then you can do without the fertilizer during the winter months altogether. At temperatures below 11 ° C, the green lily stops growing and its nutritional needs drop significantly.

How to fertilize your green lily properly

Use commercial fertilizer for balcony or house plants. You get these as small sticks, which you put into the soil or as liquid fertilizer, which you add to the irrigation water. On the package you will find the quantities and the exact application description. If you often nibble your cat on the green lily, then you should do without chemical fertilizer. Compost is harmless.

The essentials in brief:

Repot the green lily

About once a year you should repot your green lily. At the latest when the bulbous roots stick out of the ground, it's time for it. Give your plant a new larger flower pot right away. It is best to replace the old potting soil completely with new soil. If necessary mix some well rotted compost underneath.

Tips & Tricks

If your green lily is accessible to pets and like to nibble on the plant, then you would rather do without chemical fertilizers and use compost instead.