Green collar on tomatoes - all causes - effective prevention

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 5 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Ripen Green Tomatoes
Video: How to Ripen Green Tomatoes


Green collar on tomatoes - all causes - effective prevention

Do tomatoes remain green on the stalk, although the maturation period has long been exceeded? Then green collars struck in the last cultivation stage. We explain what it is, why the harm is harmless and how to avoid it.

Diverse causes - an unmistakable symptom

Green collar overtakes the self-grown tomatoes during the season finale. The fruits do not accept the desired color all around. Instead, reveals a green or yellow collar with hardened pulp. Since this damage pattern already exists as long as tomatoes are planted, the causes are well-known:

So green collar has no chance with tomatoes

Once the dilemma has occurred, no treatment options are available so far. In advance, however, informed hobby gardeners have the best chance of protecting tomatoes from green collars. Focus on the following aspects of care:

Experience has shown that fruits in the outer plant area are more frequently affected by green collars. A denser foliage ensures natural sun protection in this region, without bringing the fruits straight into Egyptian darkness.

Are affected fruits still edible?

If mature tomatoes have a green collar, the poisonous solanine has dissolved anyway. The fruits can therefore be safely harvested and consumed. However, green collar causes hardening of the pulp in the narrower area of ​​the stalk. It is therefore advisable to cut out these points with the knife.

Tips & Tricks

Experienced hobby gardeners avoid deficiency symptoms of tomatoes by a consistent fertilization with stinging nettle. This traditional fertilizer is easy to make in the garden. An undesirable oversupply of nitrogen and the associated risk of green collar is thus also prevented in a natural way.