That's why the lupine is a popular green manure

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 5 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
That's why the lupine is a popular green manure - Garden
That's why the lupine is a popular green manure - Garden


That's why the lupine is a popular green manure

Lupins belong to the so-called green manure varieties. However, this is less true for the garden held as an ornamental shrub. For green manuring special lupine varieties are sown, which are later simply cut and dug.

Lupins are relatives of peas and beans

The relationship with peas and beans can already be seen from the shape of the pod, which form the plants after flowering. Like all legumes, lupins not only develop very long roots. They also live in symbiosis with certain bacteria that are in nodules at the roots. These bacteria produce nitrogen, which they release to the plant.

As a result, lupins grow well even on very sandy and lean soils. They improve the soil sustainably, because they in turn release the nitrogen and thus provide new nutrients.

The effect of lupins as green manure

The roots, which develop the lupins as green manure, can grow up to two meters long. They dig into the ground and loosen it up profoundly.

The bacteria in the nodules provide a good supply of nitrogen first to the plant and later to the whole soil.

The green manure lupins are cut off after some time and buried in the ground. Both the leaf material and the roots remain in the soil and disintegrate there. This releases nutrients that significantly improve the soil. At the same time they relax him well.

Green manure also possible late in the year

The big advantage of growing lupins as green manure is that the plant is hardy and can be sown late in the year.

Unlike other green manure plants such as Phacelia (bee pasture), the plants do not freeze the same, but grow even at fairly low temperatures.

Lupins are therefore often sown after harvesting of vegetable beds in the vegetable garden as green manure.

Tips & Tricks

Lupines play an increasingly important role in the supply of protein through the diet. They are therefore often grown as a substitute for soy. But only sweet lupins are suitable for consumption, because the popular ornamental lupine belongs to the poison plants.