Perfect for shady gardens - The gold nettle in the profile

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 26 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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The golden nettle belongs to the dew nettles

Perfect for shady gardens - The gold nettle in the profile

The shrub, known as the "golden nettle" due to its rich golden yellow flowers, is quite similar to the white-naped nettle (Lamium album), grows between 15 and 60 centimeters high and forms copious runners. Wild, the perennial occurs in the temperate climates of Eurasia. The plant is absolutely easy to maintain when planted according to site.

Next article Is the golden nettle edible?

The gold nettle at a glance

Ideal ground cover for shady locations

The golden nettle, which is also widespread in the wild, feels comfortable in almost any location, provided that it is not there in the direct sun and the soil is nutrient-rich and as moist as possible. The plant feels most comfortable in a partially shaded to shady place, for example - as in the wild - under trees, groups of shrubs or in shrubbery. The plant is often found in deciduous forests and parks.

Cultivate nettles in the garden or on the balcony

Due to the numerous aboveground foothills, the high shade tolerance and the long flowering period, golden nettles are perfect as evergreen ground cover, which feel very well under trees or shrubbery and spread there quickly carpet-like. The foliage, silvery in many species, goes well with other ground cover crops such as ivy (Hedera helix), Günsel (Ajuga reptans), periwinkle (Vinca) and various geranium species. You should plant about six to eleven gold nettles per square meter.


Specially drawn leaves have the variety "silver carpet". In "Hermann's Pride" the foliage is narrow and silvery between the veins. The gold nettle variety "Florentinum", however, is slightly higher and has silvery-lined, purple leaves in winter.