Does my lucky tree have to be cut regularly?

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 15 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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The lucky tree can be shaped by a pruning

Does my lucky tree have to be cut regularly?

The easy-care lucky tree does not need a regular cut to be able to exist or look nice. However, by capping shoot tips, the tree branches more. However, pulling a bonsai requires a regular cut.

Next article Why is my lucky tree losing leaves?

How should I proceed when cutting?

In a small pot, the luck tree generally grows slower than in a large pot. Does it have a lot of space and is the supply of nutrients good, then your lucky tree grows quite to the ceiling, so a good two feet high. Should he get a nice dense crown, then cut the shoots regularly. Start with it if your lucky tree is about 1 meter to 1.5 meters tall.

When cutting, always use absolutely clean and sharp tools to prevent injuries and the transmission of germs. Sick shoots cut off as soon as you discover them. If your lucky tree has become too big for you, cut it a bit more radically. Even a strong rejuvenation cut takes the luck tree you not bad.

How to Maintain Your Bonsai Lucky Tree

As a bonsai your lucky tree should stay small, so it needs less nutrients. To fertilize abundantly would be counterproductive in this case. Give your Australian bottle tree only two or three times a little liquid fertilizer throughout the growing season. You can also adjust the casting quantity to the small size of your lucky tree. He does not need much more than a shot glass full of water.

Cutting cuttings from the lucky tree

If you would like to have several lucky trees, then you should multiply your possibly existing luck tree. Seeds are rarely found on the market. Cut shoot tips as cuttings. These should be about 10 to 12 cm long. Even a cutting should be warm and bright, like any lucky tree. Moisture is important for growing, but avoid waterlogging.

The essentials in brief:


Without cut and in a large planter with good nutrient supply, your lucky tree can grow to the ceiling.