The bells do not bloom - why?

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 17 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Belle Medley ENG
Video: Belle Medley ENG


Often the bell-vine flowers only in the second year

The bells do not bloom - why?

The heat-loving bell vine is cultivated in our latitudes usually only as a one-year climbing plant. With its dense foliage and large bellflowers, it is a very attractive plant, which provides within a very short time for an opaque privacy. But sometimes the bells do not bloom. Then root cause research is needed.

Too late sowing

In its natural homeland of Mexico, the bell-vine thrives as a perennially alert, climbing subshrub. Often it blooms here only in the second year.

Therefore, if you sow bell bells yourself, do not start growing too late. By the end of February at the latest, the sowing should be done so that the climbing plant flowers sets in the same year. By the time of planting in May, the bell-vine has already formed about one meter long shoots.

Wrong siting

The bellvine prefers full-sun locations and humus rich, nutrient-rich soils. If the sun-mantis is too shady, it does form a lot of foliage, but the flowers do not last. If this is the cause of blooming laziness, it is recommended to plant the flowering climber in a different location.

Faded not plastered

In order for the bell-bells to regularly sprout new flowers, it is important to cut off all that has been blown at least once a week. If this fails, the plant puts all its power into the seed formation and hardly ever buds flower buds.

Only in late summer or early autumn, and only if you want to harvest seeds yourself, you should leave some faded bells on the plant. These are carefully cut off after drying and the seed is read out. Keep the large seeds cool and dry until sowing.


You can cut cuttings in autumn from a particularly rich flowering bell vine. Placed in commercial potting soil, these quickly grow roots. As the offspring grows throughout the winter in the house, it forms with great certainty many flowers.