How to care for your bell heath - tips and tricks

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 26 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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The Glockenheide is a great addition to the autumnal garden

How to care for your bell heath - tips and tricks

Although the different types of bell heath come from very different regions of the world, they are similar to maintain. The Erica tetralix is ​​native to Europe, as well as the Irish bell heather (bot. Daboecia cantabrica).

Plant the bell heath

The bellhide can be well planted in normal potting soil or special rhododendron soil, you are welcome to mix both with a little sand. Erica is rarely kept as a houseplant, but with its bell-like flowers, it is a nice eye-catcher in the garden or on the balcony.

Pour the bell heather and fertilize

The Irish Glockenheide tolerates quite a lot of waterlogging, because it is also native to bogs. If your bales dry out, this damages the plant. Incidentally, she prefers lime-free water.

For other species of bell-heather you should allow the soil to dry a bit before watering it again. Fertilizer is given only occasionally in the period from April to September. The dose should only be small. Fertilization is unnecessary in fresh soil.

The bell heath in winter

While the Irish bellhide is conditionally hardy, this does not apply to the South African bell or cape. Both hibernate free from frost, at about 5 ° C to 10 ° C. The bell-heather prefers a bright winter quarter, but also tolerates penumbra. Due to its low price, the bell heather is rarely overwintered, but rather bought a new plant in the next season.

The propagation of the bell heath

Although an increase of the bell heather is possible both by seeds and by cuttings. But since these plants are quite cheap to find in the trade, hardly a plant lover makes this effort. If you enjoy it, then give it a try.

The most important care tips:


Since the bellhide is not hardy, it should be brought into the apartment in time for the first night frosts or spent in winter quarters, if you do not want to buy a new plant in the next.