Why the loquat does not bloom

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 15 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Is your Loquat Tree Not Fruiting?
Video: Is your Loquat Tree Not Fruiting?


If the glossy medlar does not bloom, it can have very different causes

Why the loquat does not bloom

It is a nuisance for any gardener, if the glossy medlar does not bloom. The search for the reason varies from case to case. Both wrong care measures and suboptimal site conditions can be considered as causes.

These factors affect the development of the flowers negatively:

An inappropriate location

The gloss medlar likes a location with bright conditions. A shaded and dark location between other trees reduces the bloom. The shrubs develop few or no flowers because they lack the energy of the sun. While a change of location in potted plants is not a problem, transplanting of shrubs in the garden is only possible in young woody plants. Give the shrub a bright and sheltered place.

Not enough water

Bright medlars are sensitive to dryness despite their moderate water requirements. The soil should never completely dry out as this condition adversely affects the growth performance of the plant. The wood tries to save energy by no longer developing flowers. Water the plant regularly as soon as the top layer of soil has dried.This applies to both plants in the bed and shrubs in the tub. Moderate watering prevents waterlogging from forming in the substrate.

Lack of nutrients

If the supply of nutrients through the root subsides, the plant must save its energy reserves. The gloss medlar reacts to the lack of nutrients with a reduced flowering. They support the woodland with a fertilizer, which ideally takes place in the spring. Here begins the growth phase of the leaves. A long-term fertilizer provides the plant with nutrients for several months. It ensures that the plant has enough nutrients available for the development of flower buds.

A pruning in the spring

A regular pruning stimulates the flowering of shrubs. The right time is important, because the woody plants develop their flower buds, which bloom in the following year, already in autumn. If you cut back the glossy medlar only in the spring, branches with flower buds are also separated. Remove any bothersome branches before the onset of winter and ensure a moderate clearing so that the shrub has enough branches. Shining mites develop flower buds for the next year even after pruning in autumn.